lions mane mushroom and the blood brain barrier

lions mane mushroom + blood brain barrier.

unlocking the potential for brain health

"The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison." – Ann Wigmore

lions mane mushroom 

The lion's mane mushroom, also known as Hericium erinaceus, has been traditionally used in Asia for centuries as a culinary and medicinal ingredient. Recently, it has gained popularity for its potential health benefits, particularly for its ability to enhance cognitive function. The secret behind its effectiveness lies in its ability to support the blood-brain barrier (BBB).

Lions Mane mushrooms have also been found to enhance nerve growth factor (NGF) levels in the brain. NGF is a crucial protein responsible for the growth and survival of nerve cells. By increasing NGF levels, Lions Mane mushrooms can promote the growth and maintenance of nerve cells, resulting in improved cognitive function and reduced risk of age-related cognitive decline.

the blood brain barrier.

The BBB is a barrier that separates the brain and spinal cord from the rest of the body and helps to protect the central nervous system from harmful substances. However, this barrier can also restrict the passage of essential nutrients, such as glucose, that are necessary for brain health. A compromised BBB can lead to various neurological disorders and cognitive decline.

how lions mane can effectively pass  through the blood brain barrier

The active ingredients in lion's mane are able to penetrate the blood-brain barrier more effectively than many other compounds because of their unique molecular structure. The blood-brain barrier is a tight network of blood vessels that helps to protect the brain from harmful substances, but it can also prevent beneficial compounds from reaching the brain. Lion's mane's active ingredients have a small molecular size and a high degree of solubility, which makes it easier for them to cross the blood-brain barrier and reach their target.

Studies have shown that the compounds present in the Lions Mane mushroom can help to support the integrity of the BBB, thus enabling essential nutrients to pass through. The two diterpenes that can pass through the BBB are hericenones and erinacines. These compounds have been shown to possess neuroprotective properties and to have a positive impact on cognitive function.

In addition to supporting the BBB, Lions Mane mushrooms also possess anti-inflammatory properties. Chronic inflammation is known to contribute to the development of various neurological disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. By reducing inflammation in the brain, Lions Mane mushrooms can help to protect against these diseases and support overall brain health.

take away

In conclusion, the Lions Mane mushroom is a powerful and versatile ingredient that can have a positive impact on brain health. By supporting the BBB, enhancing NGF levels, and reducing inflammation, Lions Mane mushrooms can help to maintain cognitive function and reduce the risk of age-related cognitive decline. Whether consumed as a dietary supplement, or included in your diet, incorporating Lions Mane mushrooms into your daily routine could help to promote brain health and overall well-being.